Category Archives: Painting

Small things

Sometimes I like to draw little items that have interesting details or colours. Like rocks. Or shells. Or pieces of driftwood. A visit to the beaches along the sunshine coast provided the perfect opportunity to pick up some excellent subject matter.

Rocks and Shells from the Sunshine Coast
watercolour, pencil, pencil crayon
Rocks, shells, driftwood
water colour, pen & ink

Not a small thing like a rock, here’s a sketch of a little building, a flower shop with no flowers, in downtown Xwesam/Robert’s Creek.

Pen and Ink, water colour drawing of a small flower shop
watercolour, pen & ink

Bits & Pieces – Summer 2022

We’re into August and I’ve been procrastinating about updating the blog because I didn’t think I’d done much that was blog-postable. However, now that I’ve sat here for a while, turns out there may be some bits that just make the grade. Just.

Ongoing: I believe I’ve moaned about trying to make my work a little more dynamic. I continue to do value studies, particularly as I hope to attempt some larger foliage-type pieces soon. Soonish. Here’s a small study and a small watercolour study of the same subject.

Nitobe Gardens - Bridge, value study in pencilNitobe Garden - Bridge, watercolour

Urban Sketching – Made it to the local Farmer’s Market and listened to the Band!

Holidays – Had a pleasant sojourn in the Interior with family – and drew their house.   Water colour and ink drawing of a log houseRandom Bits – I take so many photos of things that momentarily pique my interest – the sunflower garden at VanDusen was particularly fascinating last December. I did a quick watercolour and ink sketch from a photo and, although the blue wash in the background is regrettable, (mistakes are learning moments, right? ) I still like the image.



End of Summer

August is the fastest month of the year. This year, at least in my neck of the woods, it was the month with a bit of a reprieve. The weather cooled down, we finally got some rain, and the fires burned with a little less intensity. Covid didn’t though – it’s still burning through.

With all the turmoil, Lori and I have managed to more or less keep up our daily drawing practice. We’ll also be posting another little “gallery” of new top ten favourites at some point. Maybe.

Here are a couple of recent daily drawings by myself and also one of Lori’s that I particularly like.

Fish Lunch

Waiting for the Granville Island Ferry

An energetic watercolour sketch by Lori Fillo:

L Fillo Daily Drawing

And, finally, I actually managed to finish a painting. I’ve been slowly working on it over the past several months. (That’s my mother standing there.)Allouette Lake

Alouette Lake, Acrylic on paper, 30″ x 22.5″/76cm x 57cm

A Year of Daily Drawings

I just noticed the date on my first Daily Drawing: January 15, 2020. My, what a lot has happened. Well, not to me personally, I guess, but in the “outside world” it’s been quite a ride. And it ain’t over yet…

In the meantime, in my little world, I reached a milestone – 1 year of Daily Drawings. I don’t think I’ve done 365, but I’m pretty sure I reached 360. This is largely thanks to my Daily Drawing partner, Lori Fillo, who keeps me honest and accountable.

Daily Drawing, Year 2 begins:

"Soda Bread" Watercolour, ink

Here’s New Year’s dinner (Happy New Year!):
The Tortiere, Water colour, Ink

Interesting – both food!!

Lori and I have continued the “Theme” week idea now and again. Most recently we looked at the Group of 7.

Lori worked on pastel colour studies (Can you guess the painting?):

L. Fillo - Group of 7 Colour Study

I got a little carried away after looking at work by Lawren Harris and did four 3×3 mini-canvases that are more me than him – 1 each day. Similar palette maybe, but that’s about it. Here’s my favourite:

West Coast Beach, 3x3, Acrylic

We’ve sometimes defaulted to animals as subjects. Expect to see more of these. Here’s “Ollie” by Lori:

"Ollie" L Fillo

And here’s a friend of a friend’s cat:

Cat, Watercolour wash, ink

With so many little works by the two of us, I could just keep posting but I’ll stop here for now. It’s been a great practice and without it, I’m not sure how much art I would have really been doing over the past year. I’ve found it difficult sometimes to just get down to it. But I remember this (I think it’s attributable to Picasso): “Inspiration exists but it has to find you working.” Fortunately, with the daily practice, every once in a while I actually do get inspired even in these dull, disturbing times.


This is not a disease (and aren’t we all tired of talking about that!) Pareidolia describes what we do when we look at, say, clouds for instance, and see faces, or animals or just about anything that isn’t really there. We let our imagination take us away.

Artists use pareidolia in their work – famous artists like DaVinci, Giotto and Holbein (try Googling “pareidolia and artists” and you’ll be amazed). To be honest, I didn’t realize exactly what I was doing at first. I just liked the idea of taking my paintbrush, doing some random washes and then seeing what I could make out of them. Then I found out it’s kind of a thing, and also very fun. Here’s a few from the Daily Drawings collection.

“Dancer”, Watercolour wash, pen and ink
“Landscape”, Watercolour wash on paper, scanned and line work added in Photoshop.
“Dish”, Watercolour wash, pen & ink