Over the Christmas break I spent a few days down at Malaspina Printmakers. I only had a short time so I thought monoprinting might be the best thing to do. Of course I’m not totally happy with the prints – so what else is new – but it sure was nice to work at the studio again. Plus I met some new people who made my feeble printmaking efforts so much more enjoyable.
Today I took out the largest print and added some pastel and charcoal. Here it is:
“Fairview Slopes 1″, Oil monoprint on paper w/charcoal & pastel, 17.5″ x 22.5”
AND, I finally finished the changes/revisions/redrawing of the illustrations for the children’s book I’ve been working on since last year about this little guy:
His name is Craigellachie Crow. Not sure if/when the book will be available but if/when it is, you’ll find out about it here.
Nice monoprint. Perhaps it should have a crow in it.
Yeah!!! I might do that. Good idea!